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Wafcol Senior

Salmon and Potato

This is good for joint support, as it has oils and minerals for joint health,

hypo-allergenic and containing compounds that promote an efficient 

anti-oxidant system to minimise joint inflammation in the older dog.

Wafcol Senior Salmon and Potato has a lower protein content balanced

with optimal levels of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients

ensuring maintenance and regulation of vital organs such as the liver and

kidneys.  It is palatable and easy to digest and ensures that your dog enjoys

a comfortable and healthy life.


Ingredients:  Salmon (13%), Potato (24%), Potato Starch, Lupin, Linseed,

Seaweed Meal, Rapeseed Oil, Vitamins and Minerals.


Typical Analysis:

Protein 17%
Oil 6%
Ash 5%
Crude Fibre 7%
Vitamin A 15,000iu/kg
Vitamin D3 1,200iu/kg
Vitamin E 150mg/kg