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Horsehage Mollichaff Original
Mollichaff is made from top quality straws which are dust extracted, chopped and then lightly mixed with a blend of low sugar molasses. This is done using a special process that coats every part of the chaff evenly to make it very palatable. It also gives Mollichaff an open texture, unlike heavy molassed chaffs which can be sticky and lumpy.
Mollichaff can be fed alone as
part of the forage ration, but is more usually added to concentrates to prolong
feeding time, prevent bolting of feed, and help reduce boredom. It also promotes
good digestion by stimulating the production of saliva and slowing down the
passage of food through the gut.
Mollichaff Original has limestone added to help correct the calcium and phosphorous imbalance found in many cereals. Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bone, muscle and other body systems.