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Horsehage AppleChaff

AppleChaff, a dust-free low-sugar chaff with the natural goodness of apple, is the latest addition to the  Mollichaff Original, Extra and Herbal high fibre chaffs range. Made from top quality straw, dust-extracted and lightly mixed with low sugar molasses, AppleChaff contains natural apple pieces and apple flavouring to give it a very appetising taste and smell. It is therefore ideal for fussy feeders, or simply to add variety to the diet.
It can be fed alone as part of the forage ration, or added to concentrates to prolong feeding time, prevent bolting of feed and help reduce boredom. It also promotes good digestion by stimulating the production of saliva and slowing down the passage of food through the gut.
AppleChaff is also ideal as a base to mix with supplements or medication when the horse or pony is not normally fed concentrates.


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