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Dengie Hi-Fi Good Doer

Hi-Fi Good Doer is the complete maintenance feed for horses and ponies prone to weight gain. Providing approximately 7MJ/kg of slow release energy, it is similar to late cut hay and is ideal for helping to control the calorie intake of horses and ponies who need to watch their waistlines.  Hi-Fi Good Doer is a blend of alfalfa and quality soft straw, which is mint flavoured and boosted with vitamins and minerals to provide all the nutrients your horse or pony needs. Alfalfa is an excellent natural source of antioxidants.  Hi-Fi Good Doer can be fed on its own, as the bucket feed for horses and ponies undertaking a weight loss programme or to replace part of the hay ration. Hi-Fi Good Doer is ideal as part of a weight loss programme - it is low in calories but delivers sufficient fibre to maintain gut function.


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