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Dengie Fibremix Max 

Dengie Fibremix Max is a high energy Fibremix. It combines micronised cereals, including Naked Oats, with ingredients rich in oil and highly digestible fibre such as alfalfa and cooked linseed.

The micronised cereals in Dengie Fibremix Max provide an optimum level of rapid release energy from easily digested starch sources. This micronising process ensures that more starch is digested in the small intestine, reducing the risk of starch reaching the hindgut where it may cause digestive disturbances or other metabolic problems.

It provides a generous level of vitamins and chelated minerals and can be fed on its own with forage or ideally in combination with other Fibre Feeds.

Dengie Fibremix Max is designed for horses in high intensity work e.g. flat and national hunt racing, harness racing, point-to-pointing or hunting.


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