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Dengie Fibremix Extra

It provides a careful balance of energy from fibre, oil and starch and combines quality chopped alfalfa with other traditional ingredients including cooked linseed, micronized cereals and micronized soya. 

The cereal inclusion, which excludes whole oats, is lower than most conditioning feeds making 'Extra' ideal for promoting condition without over-exuberance. The inclusion of traditional cooked linseed and added soya oil provides a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids essential for healthy skin and show ring coat condition.

Dengie 'Extra' provides mainly ‘slow release’ energy from digestible fibre and oil and provides adequate but not excessive levels of ‘rapid release’ energy from cereal starch. 'Extra' is ideal for medium intensity work such as eventing, showjumping, dressage and endurance.

Dengie 'Extra' is designed for horses in medium intensity work e.g. showjumping, dressage, eventing and endurance or to promote weight gain.


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