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Dengie Alfa-A Oil

Alfa-A Oil is the conditioning fibre feed for horses and ponies. The addition of oil makes this product excellent for adding condition on horses and ponies needing a bit more weight, but without the fizziness often associated with cereal based products. Providing approximately 12.5MJ/kg of slow-release energy, Alfa-A Oil can be fed to horses undertaking harder work - on a kg for kg basis it provides as much energy as a medium energy coarse mix/nut.

Alfa-A Oil is made from pure alfalfa which has been chopped and dried at a very high temperature to lock in the natural goodness, with a dressing of oil added to give additional conditioning. Alfalfa is an excellent natural source of antioxidants. Alfa-A Oil has been boosted with vitamin E (a natural antioxidant) to meet the increased requirements of horses fed an oil supplemented diet.


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