Seals Fodder Room Ltd

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Baileys No15 Senior mix

Senior has been specially formulated with the requirements of aging horses and ponies in mind. Carefully blended ingredients cater for the increased nutritional demands of the older equine in light to moderate work, at rest or enjoying retirement.  Senior contains Baileys Digest Plus prebiotic, as well as yeast culture and a full profile of vitamins and minerals to ensure the health and condition of the older horse is not compromised. Digest Plus acts as a food source for beneficial gut bacteria, some of which are known to stimulate the immune system, ensuring a healthy bacterial balance in the digestive tract. Yeast culture enhances performance of hind gut bacteria thus improving efficiency of forage digestion and utilisation.  Alfalfa and full fat soya provide quality protein, including the amino acids lysine and methionine, to help muscle function and structure and aid tissue repair.


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