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Allen and Page Old Faithful's Special Blend

Old Faithful’s Special Blend provides easily digestible energy sources to maintain condition, and high quality protein. For use at whatever age your maturing horse starts to look ‘older’ and does not maintain his weight as well as he used to. For some horses this may be at 14 years-of-age, for others it may be 22 years-old! Pellet-free, Old Faithful’s Special Blend is easy to chew when teeth aren’t what they used to be. The inclusion of a blend of oils (linseed and soya) helps to maintain healthy joints and assist coat and skin condition and its formulation is designed to be particularly appetising for the fussy feeder. The addition of Protexin may help maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria in your horse’s gut, and boost the immune system. Herbs work in synergy with other ingredients to provide an extremely effective feed for maintaining weight and condition.


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